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The routes taken by the first settlers of America from other continents are not fully established, nor the time nor motives that impelled them to make a trip full of risks and discomforts. Click! on the image to open the link.

The traditionally accepted and with the largest archaeological support is the one across the Prairies of Beringia and now known as Theory of Late Poblamiento. By then, 11500 years ago, there was a land bridge between Asia and America ice-free between two massive frozen. This north of Alaska corridor ended in the west central section of North America, and from this point travelers scattered to the south . Most likely there were more than one migratory movement of small groups while the passage was open. There are archaeological remains of these people all throughout America and are identified as the people of Clovis. New findings of older settlements, sure previous to the Clovis are suspected came from earlier migrations since the walking mobilization south across the continent represents a longer period of time than already estimated .

Another interpretation or complement of the Pass by the Aleutian suggests that it was a Seaway so that this migrants should have good qualities as navigators. It has already been determined that asiatics arrived to Australia 50,000 years ago by boats, which determines their skills as navigators and the quality of their boats. In the same way, 12500 years ago, they could go up the coast and Japanis islands and reach the southern coast of Alaska that had a long chain of islands and sheltered bays, today known as the Aleutians. Gone through this step went, always coasting to the south and so much more quickly than on foot discover and colonize the Americas shortly.

New studies, arguments and archaeological evidence of the origin of the precursors of the people of America are based primarily on genetic traces, bone structure and linguistic and cultural relations. By the contrary the relations of the Clovis People lithic technology have are more evident relation with the Solutrean culture (16500 to 24000 years) from Western Europe. Also they found similarities in the way of using the bones, stone decoration and the usual tradition of burying stone tools with red ocher among other things with de human bodies.

The skeletons found also suggest that there were different migrations of asiatic Homo Sapiens. Skeletons with more than 8000 years old show some regional differences, although generally the skulls have an elongated shape with short and narrow flattened faces and graceful. In general the similarity of these skulls is greater with the Polynesians and Europeans than with modern American Indians who have broad faces with prominent cheekbones and round skulls.

Until now there are not enough archaeological sites throughout the Americas that can clarify the diverse characteristics of the remains already found. In general it can be considered multiple migrations from different places at different times. Also it needed to elucidate the influence and expansion that had such migrations .


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