The environment of Sandy Beach has a series of characteristics that define it Ecologically as a very inhospitable environment, basically due to the unstable environment, both in the intertidal zone and in its surroundings, outside and inside the water. The sand is the substrate of the whole system and is in permanent motion due to the action of waves, wind and marine currents. However, the presence of species from nearby systems such as the Mangrove Forest is very frequent. The wildlife and flora is different from other ecosystems, even those closest to him; however, there are common species with the salt flats grass like "saladillo" with quite dense colonies. Typical of this ecosystem are the bells of sea (Calystegia soldanella) that form dense colonies of creepers along with "caraota de mar", besides the "verdolaguilla" (Sesuvium portulacastrum)with pinkish or yellow flowers. Other species such as the grass Sporobolus viginicus with its thick roots stabiliza the dunes of the beach or the small shrub "tabaco de pescador" of cottony gray leaves. The "salcedo" of elongated dark green leaves, the "retama" which is a small thorny shrub small leaves white on the bottom and finally the coconut tree.
Among the most common wildlife are the sea gulls, sandpipers and herons and gulls. Buried in the sand below the intertidal zone are the "Chipichipi" and "Guacuco", and other invertebrates. On the beach near the sea the ghost crab (Ocypode quadrata).
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